CENO's new product PROFINET Slip Ring
Ethernet Slip Ring For industrial application from CENO Electronics
CENO's new designs that named Ethernet Slip Ring with inner diameter 25.4mm for industrial systems.
Ethernet slip ring with Gigabit Ethernet, RS485 and power electrical signal for industrial automatic
Ethernet slip ring with 8 circuits for 30A electric power, 1 circuits for PE and 3 circuits for Giga
new gigabit Ethernet slip ring with through hole 30mm for industrial application from CENO Electroni
ECN025-03P2-04S-02EG is a Gigabit Ethernet slip ring compatible with through hole and integrated ele
ECN000-05P1-10S-01EG is a new integrated slip ring which compatible with electrical power, Hall sign
product named 1000M Gigabit Ethernet slip ring for automation system application from CENO Electroni